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AutorenbildSophie Wanner

They grow so fast....

...and all of sudden you have a little independent human being with his or her own sake.

Luckily essential oils exist. They saved my life as a mom a hundreds of times.

Once your children are older than 2 years old you can benefit from a bigger variety of essential oils.

I still use Lavendel true the most. It is one of my favourite oils and I introduced it in my last blog. Today I want to share my favorite five recipes without which I could not live with my children.

#1 Colds and flu

Every mom knows them. During winter time they are in our house almost all season. As a prevention and to minimize the risk of transmission I use a blend out of Ravintsara, Ho Wood, Palmarosa and Thyme linalol in my diffuser at home to purify the air.

Worwood Valerie Ann recommends the following recipe:

  • 10 drops Ravintsara

  • 5 drops Ho wood

  • 5 drops Palmarosa

  • 5 drops Thyme linalol

First Blend the essential oils together and use 3 to 5 drops in 100ml of water in your diffuser.

#2 Coughes and Bronchitis

Coughes and if worse a bronchitis often accompanied a cold or a flu. Little ones suffer even more than adults from congested respiratory organs. The following essential oils bring respiratory comfort:

  • Spruce

  • Myrtle

  • Peppermint (never use in children < 3 years)

  • Marjoram

  • Lavender true

  • Pine

I use the following recipe for a breast balm:

45 ml St. Johns wort oil (attention, it increase photosensitivity)

45 ml Shea butter

3 teaspoons of beeway beads

and a total of 20 drops of the following essential oils:

  • Eucalyptus radiata (only use E. radiata with children, this form of Eucalyptus oil is less potent than others and much safer for use with children)

  • Tea tree

  • Cedarwood

  • Mandarine

Rub the upper breast part two to three times a day and cover with warm and natural textiles.

#3 Tantrums

There are days both of my children don't stopp to throw tantrums! I use Chamomile roman and Mandarine blend together in a carrier oil (a total of 6 drops in 10ml of carrier oil) a helpful tool; I take some time off give all my attention to my children and rub their tummy, their back, arms, legs or feet with the oil. It gives them a gentle touch and most of the time we all calm down within a few minutes. I always have some with me in my first aid kit.

#4 Insomnia

Even though my children are better sleeper now than as a baby, we still have sometime rough nights or issues to calm them down after an exciting and tiring day.

If we have time and I have enough nerves I give them a pre bedtime bath. After that I use a blend out of Lavendel true and Mandarin in a carrier oil (dilutionrate see above) and lotion their bodies.

After that they fell asleep easily and relaxed and on the same hand it relaxes me two!

As alternative you can diffuse Lavender true and Mandarin in their rooms to create a pleasant atmosphere.

There are many other possibilities to use essential oils with your families. You can easily experiment with the different essential oils as long as you do it with the right dilution of a maximum of 2%, which means a 6 drops of essential oils in 10ml of carrier oil. Never use essential oils undiluted on the skin and avoid essential oils that can be irritating on the skin.

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